E' possibile contattarci direttamente:
Hotel Residence SantAnton – Via Leghe Grigie 1 – 23032 Bormio (So)
Tel.+39 0342 901906 – Fax +39 0342 919308

oppure compilare ii modulo di richiesta informazioni:
Name and Surname * Adress *
Town * P.C. Provincia
e-mail * * Telephone Fax

* your message:

N.B. tutti i campi con * devono essere compilati

According to article 3 of the personal information protection regulations D. Lgs 196, 30th June 2003 the below mentioned declares to be informed about the following:
a) Hotel Residence SantAnton – registered office, Via Leghe Grigie 1 – 23032 Bormio (So), will insert the given information into their data bank to then be sent as publicity and promotional material relative to their business.
b) The information will be subject to treatment by Hotel Residence SantAnton under current regulations. N.B. All areas marked with * must be filled in.
I authorize personal data treatment according to 196/2003 Italian Law
Copyright 2007 Podin S.r.l. - p.iva 05873830961 - privacy policy
Reg. Imp. Milano n. 1854908 – C.i.v. € 20.000,00
Studio Fuchs realizzazioni siti web